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Video Bridge Presenter Management Best Practices

There are two primary methods for managing presenters on stage during your event. Select the one that makes the most sense for your run of show plan for best results. Review these procedures with your presenters prior to the event start to ensure everyone has a clear understanding of what they are expected to do.

Host Managed

In this workflow, all presenters connect their cameras before the event starts and keep their cameras ON throughout the event. This puts control in the hands of the host to easily manage the event flow from the presenter list. They can move presenters on and off the stage and change layouts as needed for a scripted and seamless run of show. 

Self Managed

In this workflow, all presenters turn their own cameras on only when they wish to be on stage. Otherwise, they keep their cameras off. This puts the control in the presenters hands and allows for a more fluid conversation throughout the event.

Also see, general presenter best practices.