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Preparing for a CenterStage Event

Know Your Audience 

CenterStage is a wonderful way to connect directly with VIP question askers and make your event feel more interactive. But who are your lucky guests going to be? We recommend you determine a list of up to 10 VIPs – of course, it can be fewer – who will be invited to ask questions on camera or verbally during your event.  

We will provide a specialized link for those viewers to access the video question queue, but there are few additional items that need your insight and feedback: 

Identifying VIPs 

One thing that really polishes the experience for your VIPs is letting us know their names ahead of time. A few days before the event, please send through the names of your event speakers and VIP guests. Along with that list, let us know their company names and pronunciations. 
This makes for a smoother run-of-show because the operator can better verify and track your VIPs in queue, and it makes for a cleaner introductory experience overall. 

Question Flow  

Will you be taking questions at the end of the presentation or multiple times throughout the event? Our Q&A operator can better pace how they manage VIP attendees in queue if they understand when the VIP questions need to be taken live. 

It is helpful for us to agree upon a lead up cue (at least a minute before you want to start Q&A). This can be flipping to a specific slide or a verbal cue. 

The lead up cue allows our Q&A operator to do a final check-in with the VIP question askers on standby before pushing them into the conference (one-at-a-time). 
When a VIP question asker is on deck and ready to be introduced, their name will be visible next to your speakers. (But don’t worry! We keep them muted and off screen until they are properly introduced.)  

In the event, that there is no verbal question on standby, we recommend the speakers read and answer a typed-in audience question. This gives a buffer if the Q&A operator is in the process of transferring the next on-camera audience question. 
You also want to consider placing a limit on the number of questions VIPs can ask before they are dismissed back into standby and the next question is introduced. Typically, folks allow one question and one follow up before the VIP is placed back into queue. 

Preparation is Key 

In addition to audience and speaker links, the Webcast team will provide you with a separate link that can be shared with your selected VIP attendees. This link allows them to queue up to ask their questions, receive troubleshooting guidance from your Q&A operator, and enjoy elements of the presentation while they wait to ask their question. image-1716546077382.png

Make the question asking process a breeze for your VIP attendees! Here are some resources they can utilize prior to the event to ensure their question is ready to take CenterStage on your webcast. 

  • System Requirements - Google Chrome is recommend for the best experience. Please use wired internet connection where available (dedicated high-speed connection of 1.5 Mbps+) 
  • Network Requirements - If a user is joining the event from their corporate office, this information can be provided to their IT to ensure systems are not blocked. 

We’re Here to Help 

Your lead event producer will be the main point of contact leading up to your event and help with all aspects of planning for the live broadcast. An event producer will also be on the live event to manage the broadcast and control the audio and placement of VIP question askers during Q&A. 

An additional Q&A operator will be on throughout the event to help onboard VIP question askers. This includes making sure their audio and video look good and that VIP question askers aren’t introducing unwanted noise or distracting background visuals into the event. The EP and Q&A operator will be in close communication throughout the event to ensure a seamless transition between 

We require a rehearsal to take place prior to the live broadcast. This will help you and your speakers get a good feel for the process of questions and finalize any outstanding questions about show flow.  

We strongly recommend preparing the following for your test: 

  • Draft slides of your presentation 
  • 2-3 colleagues to act as VIP question askers for the test  
  • Prepare your colleagues to ask questions that the test speakers can answer as in some detail. 
  • Questions don’t need to be event related, but we do want the questions and answers to have a similar duration to what might take place during live.